
PNW People, Lifestyle & Politics



Now’s the time for a wildflower hike

Today my kids and I checked out Camassia Park (Map) to see if the wildflowers we blooming. We confirmed that yes, they are in full bloom! It's gorgeous there right now and now is the time to go. This is a... Continue Reading →

International Women’s Day Part 1

I had decided not to strike today for a couple reasons. One because I am parent to very young kids and it would be a pain to pass on those duties to others for an entire day. Plus it would... Continue Reading →

Trump is endangering our children and our planet by gutting the EPA

Yesterday I read a headline that made me feel sick to my stomach. It was regarding the WHO study (WHO stands for World Health Organization) that concluded that 1.7 million child deaths a year are caused by a polluted environment. The news... Continue Reading →

Kid and dog friendly trails at Mary S. Young park

On Friday, my kids and I set out to hike in the morning because there was no rain in the forecast for the first time in awhile. We were dog sitting for our friends so we loaded the pup in... Continue Reading →

Seed starting and life lessons

Today my daughter and I planted seeds in our new seed starting kits. This is in preparation for our container garden we've got planned for our back deck this spring and summer. We'll be growing strawberries, spinach, tomatoes, grape tomatoes,... Continue Reading →

Hike at Mount Talbert, 2016 Wrap Up

This is what winter hiking in the PNW looks like for the most part. Lots of trees, the deciduous trees are bare. It's usually wet and cold, kind of gray. You can either consider it desolate and boring, lacking the... Continue Reading →

Protecting our Natural World

It's only natural that a PNW blog includes environmentalism! Today I packed my toddler son on my back and hiked Camassia Natural Area. I love this hike for several reasons. It's beautiful of course but what makes it special is... Continue Reading →

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